Reporter's Resource -- Links for Journalists

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  about:  more information on reporter's resource. information on the author, e-mail address, page descriptions.

About the author

  This site was created by John Henrichs, a news editor at the San Antonio Express-News. I've tried to keep the pages simple -- quick to download, easy to browse through. There are a few links that are only helpful for a reporter in Texas, but everything else has been carefully edited, so hopefully you won't have to do much searching to find what you need.

  Anyone looking for a similar site for copy editors should check out my RIM Resource site.

Suggest a site

  If you didn't find what you need, found a broken link, would like me to add a link or were otherwise annoyed by the site, please e-mail me at Also, please feel free to suggest any links that you use on a daily basis.

Major site updates

  • 8/03   Not a huge update, but a sorely needed one. Fixed some broken links, updated others.
  • 6/00   Version 3.0: Web portal feel, utility increased
  • 3/99   Version 2.0: site enhanced
  • 10/98  Reporter's Resource makes its debut

Reporter's Resource  |   last updated 8/15/03  |